Climate Smart Commodity
Food-Grade Soy
Transforming the Farmer to Consumer Supply Chain
The project strives to create supply chains with the highest quality and ​strongest traceability
standards to optimize market potential.

Food-Grade Soy Program Overview
The TransformF2C Project offers two incentives to growers producing and marketing climate-smart soybeans. Eligible acres must be enrolled in the Marketing Incentive to be eligible for the Practice Implementation Incentive. ​
What is a Climate-Smart Soybean?
Climate-Smart Soybeans are soybeans that are grown with an in-field practice that helps build soil health, sequesters carbon, and/or reduces greenhouse gas emissions, such as cover crops, reduced till or no-till, conservation crop rotation, or nutrient management.
What is a Climate-Smart Commodity (CSC) Processor?
A CSC Processor is one of the buyers contracted by the TransformF2C Project to buy, process, and market the climate-smart soybeans to develop localized market opportunities and strengthen supply chains traceability for climate-smart commodities.
What are the Benefits of Growing Climate-Smart Soybeans for Me and My Farm?
Improved crop resilience: Climate-smart crop management may help crops adapt to changing climate conditions and increase agricultural productivity.
Improved soil health: Healthy soil may have less erosion, preserve land fertility, and conserves water supply.
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Climate-smart agriculture may reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
Increased farmer profits: Climate-smart agriculture may increase productivity and incentives are designed to support higher incomes for farmers.
Developing a local, transparent supply chain is a key objective of the TransformF2C Project.
Enrolled acres for the food-grade soybean supply chain pilot must be located within 500 miles of an eligible CSC processor and located in one of the following states: IL, IN, MI, MN, NY, OH, PA, WI

Marketing Incentive Program
Payments for farmers who have implemented a climate-smart practice and are marketing to an eligible CSC processor.
Marketing Incentive Payment: $30 per acre
Open Enrollment for Eligible Crop
Years: 2025
​​Climate-Smart Practices: At least 1 of the following climate-smart practices must currently be implemented on the soybean acres you are seeking to enroll:
Conservation Crop Rotation (328)
Residue and Tillage Management, No-Till (329)
Cover Crop (340)
Nutrient Management (590)
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced till (345)
Practice Implementation Incentive Program
Payments for the implementation of climate-smart agriculture practices and systems that reduce greenhouse gas and/or sequester carbon and provide co- and ancillary benefits.
Open Enrollment for Eligible Crop Years: 2025
6-Step Process to Farmer Enrollment
Ready to Enroll?
Step 1: Complete Online Application
Before completing an online application, farmers should confirm the following:
The acres are eligible in connection to your contract with a CSC Processor. Contact your soybean buyer to confirm.
The acreage is registered with the Farm Service Agency under your name or farm entity. Only acreage that appears on your Producer Farm Data Report is eligible.
The acres being enrolled are in one of the eligible states and within 500 miles of the CSC Processor.
All acres being enrolled have at least one eligible climate-smart practice implemented during the growing season that is in compliance with the NRCS standard for the chosen practice(s).
Step 2: Complete a Data Collection Interview
Within one week of submitting your online application you will be contacted two times via the email you provided in your application. A member of the CAL team will contact you to confirm completeness and eligibility and a member of the Eocene team will reach out to schedule your data collection interview.
Please review the data collection requirements linked below and be prepared to share this farm data with the Eocene team member conducting your interview.
The Transform F2C Project is committed to safeguarding your personal and on-farm information and we believe your farm data belongs to you, never to be sold. Learn more about our data use and privacy policy.
Step 3: Review and Sign Contract
Contracts are based on one growing season. Contract terms may vary based on the incentives selected. The Statement of Work will reflect the specific areas, practices, and farm details provided.
Step 4: Receive Payment 1
Once a contract is signed, payments are made in two installments:
Marketing Incentive
Payment 1: $10 / acre
Payment 2: $20 / acre
Practice Implementation Incentive
Practice Code
Crop Rotation
Cover Crop
Nutrient Management
Reduced Till
Payment 1
Payment 2
First payments will be received 60 days after the applicant signs a contract with and submits banking information to CAL.
Step 5: End-of-Season Practice Verification
A project representative will schedule an end-of-season conversation to verify practice implementation. This meeting is designed to verify that the selected practices were implemented on the indicated acres in a manner consistent with the practice standards outlined by the USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Services.
Step 6: Receive Payment 2
Once a contract is signed, payments are made in two installments:
Marketing Incentive
Payment 1: $10 / acre
Payment 2: $20 / acre
Practice Implementation Incentive
Practice Code
Crop Rotation
Cover Crop
Nutrient Management
Reduced Till
Payment 1
Payment 2