Climate Smart Commodity
Feed-Grade Soy
Transforming the Farmer to Consumer Supply Chain
The project strives to create supply chains with the highest quality and strongest traceability
standards to optimize market potential.
Feed-Grade Soy Program Overview
The TransformF2C Project offers two incentives to growers producing and marketing climate-smart soybeans.
What is a Climate-Smart Soybean?
Climate-Smart Soybeans are soybeans that are grown with an in-field practice that helps build soil health, sequesters carbon, and/or reduces greenhouse gas emissions, such as cover crops, reduced till or no-till, conservation crop rotation, or nutrient management.
What is a Climate-Smart Commodity (CSC) Processor?
A CSC Processor is one of the buyers contracted by the TransformF2C Project to buy, process, and market the climate-smart soybeans to develop localized market opportunities and strengthen supply chains traceability for climate-smart commodities.
What are the Benefits of Growing Climate-Smart Soybeans for Me and My Farm?
Improved crop resilience: Climate-smart crop management may help crops adapt to changing climate conditions and increase agricultural productivity.
Improved soil health: Healthy soil may have less erosion, preserve land fertility, and conserves water supply.
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Climate-smart agriculture may reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
Increased farmer profits: Climate-smart agriculture may increase productivity and incentives are designed to support higher incomes for farmers.
Developing a local, transparent supply chain is a key objective of the TransformF2C Project.
Enrollment opportunities are categorized by the location of the climate-smart processor that interested growers are marketing to. For more information on enrollment, explore the regional opportunities linked below.