Farmer's Corner
Transforming the Farmer to Consumer Supply Chain
Carbon A List, in collaboration with key industry partners, is excited to announce the offering of financial incentives to farmers and producers to transition to climate-smart practices aimed at reducing the financial burden that comes with implementing new and innovative systems.

Enrollment Opportunities

Food-grade Oat Production
What is a climate-smart practice?
Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry (CSAF) Mitigation Activities are a list of practices that align with Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS) practice codes published each year.
Unless otherwise noted, listed practices have quantifiable carbon sequestration and/or GHG reduction methodologies described in COMET-Planner. New practices will be added as science progresses and scientifically defensible quantification methodologies are identified to accompany existing and new NRCS conservation practice standards.
Farmer Eligibility
To receive an incentive payment as a part of the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, a producer must meet the eligibility requirements.
Eligible producers must comply with USDA and NRCS eligibility and compliance provisions for the Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities program. This could include associated conservation incentive program eligibility and compliance requirements such as, but not limited to, those within the Environmental Quality Incentive Program.
Additional project-specific eligibility requirements are subject to change and will be published during open enrollment.
>> Learn more about specific eligibility requirements and steps to apply.
Benefits of Enrollment
​Expanded opportunity to adopt climate smart practices with designated technical support and educational opportunities, reducing risks
Improved development of and entry into new markets for climate smart commodities, including improving awareness among dairy and alternative food consumers
Improved farm-level measurements that enable better transparency into farm level ROI
Participate in improving testing, traceability, accountability, evaluations and transparency in the oat and soy supply chains, which results in increased trust from the farm to the consumer
Reputation enhancements for United States agricultural production and improved market access and growth.
Opportunity to provide your input into a growing market segment